Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The London Dungeon
So after we spent our life’s savings buying tickets for Phantom we remembered that we purchased tickets to the London Dungeon that morning. Jemma recommended the dungeons and I was game! I love anything that can attempt to scare me!! Where is it?? I am there. So we ate a quick lunch at Mcdonalds. ( I mean come on its quick and cheap) and hopped on the tube down to the London bridge area.
Since we bought out tickets at the hostel we got to go to the “priority line.” Umm excuse me but this line was just as long as the regular line. The lady told me that the regular line was a 3 hour wait! Oh hell no! I am glad i bought my ticket here. I will not wait in a 3 hour line for nothing. (well maybe a few things)
The “London Bridge Experience,” which was right across the street was working hard to get people to come to theirs. You see, the dungeon had people wrapped around the block for days and their was absolutely no line for the bridge experience. I guess that tells you which one is better. They had great costumes and gimmicks to try to pull people from the lines. Finally it was our turn to go into the dungeon.
It was quite brilliant how they do it. You get into groups and go into rooms that explain London’s history to you. The dungeon was right at the London Bridge and was actually used for prisoners and bodies once. It was quite creepy and still had the small of dead bodies. ;)
It was also educational but in a fun way. They took you back in time to explain the london fire ,and the black plaque and etc. It was quite fun. THey also used people in skits and of course I was chosen for two. The first was in a courtroom and I was being charged for sleeping with a horse. Let’s keep it real this is something I would totally get caught for doing. Ha kidding. The judge was quite funny and I played along to the best of my abilities. I explained to her that I was in love with the horse and that was the only reason I would have intercourse with it. ;) she let me off the hook because she said I was cute. I was supposed to meet up with her later, but to be honest she really wasn’t my type. ;)
Jack the Ripper room was my favorite. I will not give it away in case some of you go but it was fun and it made Caitlin scream at the top of her lungs!! I was chosen for another part where I was burned on a stake. Fire literally engulfed me and my stage even turned around to reveal i had turned into a skeleton burned to death. It was fun. They also had two rides one on a river. It was all quite fun. The last and final ride was new for 2010 it was the gallows. It was just like a drop zone and was super fun. The picture they took was PRICELESS. We looked soooo funny but I was not about to pay 10 pounds for one picture. I defiantly recommend doing the dungeons if you have the chance. They were fun. :)
Piccadilly & Leicester
The night was filled with people coming in and out all night but did I hear them?? NO! I was out cold for the entire night. I woke up in a haze a couple times. It was like waking up in a operating room coming out of the meds. I looked around and went right back to sleep. Our alarms went off at about half 8 because the free breakfast ended at 9:30. I did not know what to expect for breakfast. It was quite crowded and consisted of stale corn flakes and buttered toast. I mean I was not complaining because it was included in the price and I could fill myself up until lunch time.
We ate and then showered. I wanted to get to the Buckingham palace so that Caitlin could see the changing of the guards. Of course since Caitlin is a girl she took FOREVER. I mean she looks good all the time so I dont understand why it takes her so long. Maybe it is because I am a guy but I feel like girls look the same when they get up and straighten their hair or when they take hours trying to “fix” it.
We got to the palace about 11:45. It was sooo crowded and pretty much over so we just decided to go ahead and venture to other parts of the city. I remember going to Piccadilly circus before so I wanted to take Caitlin there. We went and took a few pictures to prove we went to London. ;) Caitlin went into Barclays to get more money out and of course forgot her PIN. Luckily she was able to get her money out and continue spending lots of money.
We hopped back on the tube and went over to Leicester square to look at theater tickets. We were not sold on going but wanted to see if any good deals were going on. We walked around a bit just taking it all in and see what there was to offer. It
was a rainy day so we knew that going to see a show would be a good idea. When we looked at the options we talked about and ended up giving up going on the london eye and the wax museam to go to see a show. We got tickets to Phantom of the Opera and were soooo excited to go see it. I had been obsessed with this musical for years so it was passed the time that I actually see it live. Seeing it in London was just the icing on the cake.
First Night in London
I decided since we had not seen Parliament or Big Ben we would take the tube there and find somewhere to eat long the Thames. It was already late evening by the time we got there so we got to see the clock tower and the London eye glowing in the dark sky. It was all very beautiful. We just took in the sights and enjoyed the night air. I was still pretty tired from our long journey so I just honestly wanted to find a place to eat and go back and get a long night’s sleep.
We took a few pictures around the river and walked towards the eye and waterloo area to find a place to eat. I think we were so hungry and tired that we spent a good hour reading menus and walking around. Some places were starting to close their kitchens to make room for the bars so we had to choose fast. We ended up going back to a Mediterranean restaurant that we found before. We sat down and ordered our food. We of course ordered a bottle of red wine, which was not a good idea.
From the lack of food and our sleepiness the wine was just making me more tired. On top of that i was getting a buzz from my first class since I had not eaten in a while. The place must have been a good one because it was pretty packed. We were squeezed right next to another guy that just so happened to be American as well. We only chatted with him when he was leaving. The waiters always sat his food down at our table so that was quite annoying.
Throughout the entire dinner I was trying to just make it through. I had some chicken dish with spinach with was very lovely but with the wine and everything else I was just pushing myself to shove it down and make it through the meal. I sound so pathetic but I was really exhausted and I do not do well under these circumstances. We soon paid our bill and ran to the waterloo tube station to get home. I just wanted my cubby and sleep!! I needed to be well rested for another full exciting day in London.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sleepless in London-Town
After we got settled we decided just to walk around a bit. We were really close to Hyde park. I decided to make a walk through and go see the Buckingham Palace. So arm-in-arm we started our treck. We were pretty loopy and when we are like that we become our own comedy team. We say the dumbest things and just die laughing at any and everything. Every dog we passed, Caitlin wanted to pet. I told her no mainly because she was my support system holding me up so I wouldn’t fall asleep. Plus you can never be too careful of who has rabies.
It was kind of a muggy day so the park was not too crowded but it was still nice. Of course Caitlin would run off to take pictures, not of monuments but of grass, squirrels, and trees. HAHA. She reminded me of my sister Tahlia being so amused with
squirrels. I will admit that I am SCARED of England squirrels. They are GIANT and will come right up to you. Caitlin was playing with one and it kept harassing her. I am such a parent screaming at her to come back and not get bit.
WE walked all kinds of around Hyde park. I forgot how big Hyde park is. We walked the entire park from one corner to the other. Looking at monuments and the little ponds full of birds. London has a lot of runners, well just like any other city but Caitlin expressed her want to run. Every runner prompted Caitlin to say she wished she would have brought her running shoes so
she could go for a run. With every one of those comments I just gave her the, “Bitch, you crazy!” look and kept on walking.
We finally made it to our future home and took some pictures. Caitlin texted the Queen a bunch to invite us in for tea but we had no response. Caitlin demanded we wait and go in so she could have dinner with her future husband Harry, but I couldn’t wait that long. ;) It was mid-day so the Palace was not too busy. I just know in the mornings with the changing of the guards it is SOOO crowded. We stayed a bit but then decided to go back to the hostel to take a nap. We needed it and decided on what to do that night for dinner and exploration.
Lost in London
So we got off the bus and went to go get breakfast. After a delicious breakfast and horrible service it was time to go to the Bayswater area to find our hostel and check in. Since I had been to London before I was already well aware of the tube system. We got on the underground and got off in Bayswater.
Since I am SUPER smart I realized that I had not written down the address or EVEN the name of the hostel. I knew I read that it was a minute walk from the tube station so I knew it was close. We were both just really tired and wanted to drop off our heavy bags. We walked around for quite some time. Down random streets back and forth along Hyde park trying to find this hostel. I

was getting a bit frustrated at myself for being so irresponsible. The one thing I just wanted to do was find it. I tweeted Kimber and my sister because I had sent the info to Tahlia and hopped that she could tweet me the address. Thank god for mobile twitter because it saves me. HA! It was only about 12pm local time so about 7am back home. Of course everyone was getting ready for work.
I told Caitlin to just find a Starbucks because with my ipod I could get on the internet and check. We found one that was at the entrance to the tube station and went in. As soon as I got on Tahlia tweeted me the address. I google mapped it and found that it was right across the street. Seriously right across the way was our hostel. We were too tired to get angry so we just laughed it off. WE went and and checked in. It was small and quite cozy.
The woman showed us to our room. It was quite dark because there were people still sleeping. Come on! You are on vacation its the afternoon why are you still sleeping???!? We were in a 14 bedroom room. (It was the least amount of money) We choose our little cubbies and decided to go out. Caitlin wanted a bit of a nap but I said since we got lost that time that we spent

took up our nap time and it was now time to go out and take in London. Sleepy and All.
Buses Hate Me
So the cheapest and easiest way for Caitlin and I to get down to London was on the Megabus. Oh good ole megabus. They are everywhere. We even take the megabus to Washington DC and NY from North Carolina. Caitlin and I decided that we would go down to London from Tuesday to Friday. To get the most out of the day on Tuesday we picked 6:15am to leave. We were so used to staying up late at night that neither of us got ANY sleep the night before. We packed and met outside around 5:30 to make sure we got to the coach station. Usually on a Monday night the streets are popping because Monday night here is a good night to go out....The streets were completely empty. We could not find a taxi anywhere. I called the service to try to get one but they said the earliest would be at 6:00 which would not give us enough time to do anything. I was freaking out a little bit. Luckily once we made our way down oxford I hailed a cab and we were on out way.
We got to the bus and got on it. Of course we were surrounded by mid-20s irish guys who were traveling somewhere. They had bags and bags filled with beer and jager. Of course this would happen to me. I would want to sleep on the bus since it would be 4 and a half hours down to London but No. These guys popped open their beers at 6:15 in the morning and began drinking. I knew this would be quite a long journey. Mid way through the bus driver stopped and made them all chuck their beers off the bus. Lets get real though did he honestly think that they threw away any of the unopened ones??? No. We did fall asleep for a bit and once I woke up I realized we were already in London. :) I couldn't wait to get off and get my luggage dropped off at the hostel and go out exploring. That is if we could even find the hostel.........
Saturday, February 12, 2011
“I’ll take you to the coffeeshop”
We began our hike to the hostel we were staying at. We continued to walk and I could tell people just wanted to get to their rooms and take showers. After an extremely and what we found to be an unnecessarily long walk we arrived at our hostel. Of course this trip was not in the best organized fashion and we stood outside in the cold

for another 45 minutes as the leaders were getting our passport numbers for the rooms. You know, because they couldn’t go ahead and get our numbers on the 14 hour bus ride. #dead
The next hour I don’t really remember due to my lack of concentration. I remember that we were in the dining area for forever and it took the leaders a while to distribute the keys. I kinda just wanted to bring my bag along as we walked around Amsterdam. I mean this was valuable time I could be spending site seeing! We finally got to our room and dropped our stuff off. Luckily I had a four person room with Kara, Keli, and Leah. I knew them all so I didn’t have to be worried about people stealing.
Naturally I was starving so we decided that we would do something historic and something fun on the first day. We all decided on just going ahead and doing the heineken experience. WE walked around and found a nice little “snack shop” and stopped there for food. Finally we headed over to the Heineken experience. I remembered this from my bestie Liz Wagstaff. She studied in Dublin over the summer and I remember hearing and seeing pictures from her Amsterdam trip. I was excited.
The tickets were 15 Euros. A bit pricey but I knew that this was something I wanted to do. We went in and of course it turned into picture land. We blew through the first parts

pretty quickly snapping photos. It was a really large brewery and museum. They even had a ride along the way. It turned you into beer. It was fun. Of course my favorite parts were at the end where we had a free sample with a funny guy. We also got wristbands that had two notches on it. You could trade them each for a beer or you could use both and learn how to pour your own pint. I am a guy, a thirsty guy so naturally I said screw the pouring I just want two beers. And that is what I did.
I dare say that were were all a bit tipsy. Just from two pints and a sample. But we were exhausted and tired so that did not help. It was now time to move on to other places. THE RED LIGHT DISTRICT!!!
If you have ever seen an Amsterdam map, it’s beautiful. It is also so hard to read. I think it was because we had in our minds our hotel at a different location then it was. Haha. Getting to the Red light district was easier said then done. We wanted to go to the RLD in order to go to an authentic coffee shop. ;) And please don’t look at me like that. I am in Amsterdam “pepsi” as the greater ones call it is perfectly legal and I am 21. :P
We finally got to one after walking into a few. Its not like any of us are that knowledgeable about buying “pepsi.” I took the lead and just went in and looked at the menu. The “pepsi” we decided to buy was entitled, “AK-47” Perfect right? I was also expecting things to be pre-rolled but thats not always the case. I had to roll my own “pepsi” in hopes of doing it right.
I was just smiling around at all the people. A lot of the people in there were in their 40s. They probably just got off work and came in to smoke a joint and relax. How amazing their lives must be. The bag of “pepsi” we bought was huge so i only rolled one. When we left I decided since I was the teacher back in the shop that I was not going to be the navigator. My head was not on right to read a map. I was only in the state of mind to put one leg in front of the other.
We got lost. The good part about getting lost, however was that we got lost in the RLD. haha. we did get to see the women in the windows and have a laugh about it. And I mean that it is really just a women in a black light window wearing a white bikini. oh my.
When we finally made it back to the hostel it was like 11pm. I know right we got back early but all of us were exhausted and (insert synonym for high) We crashed to prepare for another long day.
Sorry friends and family for this blunt blog. (get the pun??) Your little boy has grown up.
Neglected :/
Wow! Poor The Bryce is right. I have been neglecting this blog. I dont even know what happened. When I got back from Amsterdam I wrote about the bust rip there but then failed to continue my story. No worries, I will continue from here.....
Monday, January 31, 2011
"Oh my Lordy" It's the busride from Hell Amsterdam Day 1
Kara and I got super pumped up about the trip and were smart about packing. We packed lightly and headed to the pick up point which was the MMU student union. It was cold and we ran inside to get some snacks. I got 2 bars of healthy shit and 1.5 liters of water lol. I wanted to make sure since this was an overnight trip that I was properly hydrated.
The buses arrived there were SOOO many people waiting to get on the bus. The first bus was a double decker and here is a little sample of how it was like to get on it.....
I was right. (Like always) Another bus pulled up, but we heard “party of four” out of the corner of our ears and of course Kara heard it and yelled “Right here!!!!” So the four of us got on the couch and found our seats. Leah and Kelly sat a couple rows behind us but we were just glad to all get seats.
They came around and checked our tickets, more like a quick glance. Soon we were off to Chesire campus to pick up some more students. I guess they saved some seats for them on purpose.
Kara and I looked around us and everyone, I mean everyone was drinking. Bottles of vodka were being passed around and beer cans were being opened and I finally remembered....’Oh yea, I forgot I was in England.” I mean any excuse to drink is used in this great country.
I was proud and fine with my 1.5 liter bottle of water. It tasted good and I knew that it would not leave me feeling like shit in the MANY hours to come. Not even two hours later, everyone on the bus was wasted. I mean screaming girls and guys screaming “oh my lordy.” It was a mess. I mean here we are driving to the cliffs of Dover in the middle of the night and everyone on this bus was wasted.
Also I should mention that on the way we stopped a million times. The smokers on the bus had to have that puff. It was quite annoying. All I wanted to do was sleep. Being Bryce is difficult though. It has always been hard for me to sleep on buses, trains, cars, anything really except for a bed. I have to be sprawled out and flat.
We got to Dover about 2:30am and mind you we had been on the bus since 6pm. We were supposed to board at like 3:15 or something so we waited on the bus a little bit longer.
Once we finally got off the bus and climbed the stairs we were settled on the ferry. It was 3:30am and naturally everyone headed to the bar. Kara and I felt like we were dying from hunger so we ran straight to the food court. It was weird because this was the same type of ferry that I took from Dover in 2008. It was exactly the same.
We waited in line and got our food. They were serving English breakfast. I wanted something else but I just needed food in my stomach. It came with scrambled eggs, toast, sausage...and I don’t know what else because I consumed it in about 14 seconds. (yes that is the exact amount of time)
After breakfast (which Leah and Kelly met up with us for) we decided to do a little exploring. We just went to the shops and such. We looked at the alcohol prices as well because we wanted to get something to pregame with before the bar crawl on Saturday night.

We road through France and Belgium before entering the Netherlands. I slept for about 2 hours or so but was very uncomfortable. Kara and I lent on each other and the window to try to get comfortable. It was not working. I was awake for most of the morning and got to see all the pretty countrysides and even all the windmills that we drove by.
We finally arrived in Amsterdam Friday morning about 11am. My eyes were wide open to take in the city. It was absolutely beautiful. Stunning. it would soon be time to get off the bus and explore. How lucky am I! Amsterdam for the weekend. Lets get it popping!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
So I leave tonight......
Which will be a nice little break away from England. I am going to spend the weekend in Amsterdam. Check that off of my bucket list. :)
Everyone in my flat will be taking a bit of a break as well. Since coming back to Uni everyone has been partying a bit hard. Take last night for example. About 95% of the flat went out. We went to some club pretty close and all got on the guest list. I did not really feel like drinking and I was a bit moody but promised Jemma I would go out. (for various reasons ;) )
We started drinking here and I was lucky enough to get 2 bottles of wine for 5 pounds. Lucky is not the word. The wine was absolutely horrible and I had to add in apple juice to make it drinkable. I know I should have known i would be gross from the price but come on, I am on a budget here.
We got to the club and entered the wall to wall packed club. The music and atmosphere was good but I was still in a horrid mood. It was shoulder to shoulder and I do not deal well with that. I like to dance and have my room. I do not like to get shoved and poked as I walk around. I did get one drink there which was really cheap and walked around. It was a two level club and was really nice. I got lost a couple times and the drinks were just not doing me justice. About 2:30 I left and walked all the way back to all saints campus to go to Deaf institute. (a club i mentioned before)
People from the flat next to us were there. I met them and danced a bit. I soon left and just went to bed. I was tired enough and just needed rest. I should have stayed at the club though, because from all the stories and evidence in our hallway, it seemed to be quite a night.
Ellie ended up in the hospital because her and Mike fell down the stairs. Typical. I have fallen down plenty of stairs since I have been here. Kara as well. Ha! But she was so drunk that she started to breathy heavily outside. Someone called the ambulance and too her to the hospital. She ended up only having a sprained ankle. Thankfully she is fine.
When I woke up, however Ellie’s door was covered in food. I don’t know what it is but my flatmates have gotten into the habit of covering each others doors in food and other items. I mean there were beans and onions all over her door and it just smelled of trash. The kitchen as well was completely wrecked.
I love my flatmates to death, but this is a great time for me to get out for a couple days. It will give them the chance to realize how much the love me and will miss me. ;) Just kidding.
I am excited to go to Amsterdam. My first time to the Netherlands. :D I am sure it will be a great trip. Kara is going with me and I am sure we will not leave each other’s sides. I am excited to go to Anne Frank’s house and other things. I don’t think there is much to do in this city though. :P Maybe I will eat a banana out of a prostitute's vagina. HA. kidding again. just the thought of that makes me.......
.....yea one second. I need to throw up.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Just an Update.....
Yes I am still alive in well in the great city of Manchester! I am still having a blast but after the first two weeks here at MMU, things are starting to calm down just a bit. I am actually sitting on my bed at the moment reading a play for class tomorrow. I am being a good boy and reading before class. :)
The past week has been a bit crazy. I went out a couple times to new places including Factory, and 5th avenue. Factory turned out to be a great night. Most of my flat came out and half had a good night and the other didn’t. As for me, I got to drink and dance. Two of my favorite things.
Jemma and I. Start of the night. (double fisting it)
5th avenue was a complete disaster because only Jemma and I went out to celebrate Katie’s and Charlotte’s birthday. Jemma and I ended up getting way too drunk and because of my many years of practice, I was able to hold my own. As for Jemma, she was a completely different story. I literally had to drag her home. She would stop
walking every so often and just fall completely passed out on the sidewalks. This was not one of her best moments. I was getting upset because I do not like to see anyone like this. My number one concern was just getting her back to the flat safely and in her bed. After a good hour I finally managed to get her to the dorm and into her bed. I left her once on the stairs to go get her bed ready. It was a complete mess!
I should also mention that the fire extinguisher went off that night in our kitchen. It covered everything in the foam and ruined a lot of stuff. Our kitchen looked like the aftermath of 9/11. It looked as if it was covered in ash and gunk. When I heard the alarm go off I was in the flat beside us and ran into our flat. The exhaust filled the corridor with what looked like smoke. I seriously thought our flat was on fire. I grabbed Jemma’s hand and just told her it was time to go out. I just did want to deal with it.
Everything in the kitchen is now clean. Mainly because the cleaning lady came in this morning and threw EVERYTHING out on the counters away. If you have been keeping up with my blog you know that there was a lot of junk on the counters. Well it was all thrown out. Many people lost a lot of stuff. It sucked. Luckily I keep everything in my room so none of my things were thrown away.
Also, our freezer is broken. I know right, what else can go wrong?? Lots. We have two small freezers in our room to use while it is getting fixed. (wonderful!) Also my lock is broken. I can lock my room with the key but I cannot lock it whilst inside. I have reported it but if they don’t come today I’ll have to go back down tomorrow.
With all of this crazy happening, I am happy to report that I am still loving it! I have already made some great friends. I am glad to have met Kara and Caitlin on this trip as well. They are some terrific girls. :)
Lastly, I am going with Kara to AMSTERDAM this weekend. I am SOOO excited. You know there will be plenty of blog posts to cover that trip. It is going to be, whats the word?.......EPIC
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
It may come as a surprise to most of you, but I am here to take classes. I actually have three classes!! Shocker!
My Classes:
20th Century British and Irish Drama.
In this class we read british and Irish plays and discuss them. We analyze the stories and characters. What a great class! Right down my alley! I did theater in High School so I will defiantly enjoy reading British plays. I hope to do some comedy plays since the british humor is very different from American humor.
Reading and Writing Crime Stories
I was sold at the title. Who doesn’t love a great crime story!! In this class we will read crime stories and debate them. We will learn to strategize the stories and what is the basic style to writing a crime story. How interesting. I start this class this week so I will let you know how it actually goes. ;)
Novel Selves
This class will be a lot like my English classes at home. I did a ‘Intro to Narrative’ class. We will be reading novels and discussing them. WE will be reading Jane Austen to Charles Dickens. I am very excited about this class. I will have to read a novel a week but I feel like it will be worth it.
The best part of my timetable is that I have Mondays and Fridays off!! How amazing is that?? Perfect for traveling!! Any my classes are only one day a week for 3 hours. Amazing. I just need to get my life together so I can read and do the assignments.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Dear Kidney, I'm Sorry (Part 2)