Kara and I got super pumped up about the trip and were smart about packing. We packed lightly and headed to the pick up point which was the MMU student union. It was cold and we ran inside to get some snacks. I got 2 bars of healthy shit and 1.5 liters of water lol. I wanted to make sure since this was an overnight trip that I was properly hydrated.
The buses arrived there were SOOO many people waiting to get on the bus. The first bus was a double decker and here is a little sample of how it was like to get on it.....
I was right. (Like always) Another bus pulled up, but we heard “party of four” out of the corner of our ears and of course Kara heard it and yelled “Right here!!!!” So the four of us got on the couch and found our seats. Leah and Kelly sat a couple rows behind us but we were just glad to all get seats.
They came around and checked our tickets, more like a quick glance. Soon we were off to Chesire campus to pick up some more students. I guess they saved some seats for them on purpose.
Kara and I looked around us and everyone, I mean everyone was drinking. Bottles of vodka were being passed around and beer cans were being opened and I finally remembered....’Oh yea, I forgot I was in England.” I mean any excuse to drink is used in this great country.
I was proud and fine with my 1.5 liter bottle of water. It tasted good and I knew that it would not leave me feeling like shit in the MANY hours to come. Not even two hours later, everyone on the bus was wasted. I mean screaming girls and guys screaming “oh my lordy.” It was a mess. I mean here we are driving to the cliffs of Dover in the middle of the night and everyone on this bus was wasted.
Also I should mention that on the way we stopped a million times. The smokers on the bus had to have that puff. It was quite annoying. All I wanted to do was sleep. Being Bryce is difficult though. It has always been hard for me to sleep on buses, trains, cars, anything really except for a bed. I have to be sprawled out and flat.
We got to Dover about 2:30am and mind you we had been on the bus since 6pm. We were supposed to board at like 3:15 or something so we waited on the bus a little bit longer.
Once we finally got off the bus and climbed the stairs we were settled on the ferry. It was 3:30am and naturally everyone headed to the bar. Kara and I felt like we were dying from hunger so we ran straight to the food court. It was weird because this was the same type of ferry that I took from Dover in 2008. It was exactly the same.
We waited in line and got our food. They were serving English breakfast. I wanted something else but I just needed food in my stomach. It came with scrambled eggs, toast, sausage...and I don’t know what else because I consumed it in about 14 seconds. (yes that is the exact amount of time)
After breakfast (which Leah and Kelly met up with us for) we decided to do a little exploring. We just went to the shops and such. We looked at the alcohol prices as well because we wanted to get something to pregame with before the bar crawl on Saturday night.

We road through France and Belgium before entering the Netherlands. I slept for about 2 hours or so but was very uncomfortable. Kara and I lent on each other and the window to try to get comfortable. It was not working. I was awake for most of the morning and got to see all the pretty countrysides and even all the windmills that we drove by.
We finally arrived in Amsterdam Friday morning about 11am. My eyes were wide open to take in the city. It was absolutely beautiful. Stunning. it would soon be time to get off the bus and explore. How lucky am I! Amsterdam for the weekend. Lets get it popping!