At first I wanted my title to be “punny.” (this is my blog, I can make up my own words) It was supposed to only be about me going abroad. Lots of “fish and chips,” “cheers,” and other typical british words that we Americans think of. I thought about it and decided that if I wanted to continue the blog once I returned, I would need an all around generic title.
I tweeted my concerns about not being able to come up with my own title. I even set it as my Facebook status. What has my life come to? To my surprise I actually got a horrible response. Yea, If you are reading this and didn’t give me a option I am talking about you.
I got maybe one or two responses. “Live Life, Roll the Bryce” was one.....”There are plenty of fish and chips in the Sea” was another. I was even given the option, “It’s Raining Manchester,” which sadly was one of the best. I knew none of theses were the perfect title so I had to seek elsewhere.
I posted on families walls as well because they are a huge part of my life and since they are related in some shape or form they are all brilliant. Since my step-sister Amy, even though I could totally drop the step since we have gotten along so well since our parents met, already has a hugely successful blog I ran straight to her. We texted ideas back and forth until one late night I got a text that solely said “The Bryce is Right.” I immediately giggled and went back to sleep. Amy had just lit the match
that was going to start this whole fire.
I'm blushing, seriously. I can't take credit. Greyson came up with The Bryce is Right. I LOVE It's Raining Manchester! But, you totally picked the right name. Love you!